* Exported from MasterCook * About the Amish Recipe By : The Best of Amish Cooking --- Phyllis Pellman Good Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- ***** NONE ***** The Amish have captured the interest of the modern world because of their quaint clothing, homes and buggies, their striking quilts, their lusty food. These people prefer to be regarded as a community of faith who deliberately seek to live in a way that honors God and the creation. They purposely refuse many conveniences to better foster their life together; they choose to live close to the land in an effort to care for their families and the earth. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? The Amish are a Christian group who trace their beginnings to the time of the Protestant Reformation in 16th century Europe. In 1525, a group of believers parted company with the established state church for a variety of reasons. Among them was the conviction that one must voluntarily become a follower of Christ, and that that deliberate decision will be reflected in all of one's life. Therefore, baptism must symbolize that choice. The movement was nicknamed "Anabaptis," meaning re-baptism, since the believers wanted to be baptized again as adults. Eventually the group were called Mennonites after Menno Simons, one of their leaders who had formerly been a Roman Catholic priest. Over the years these people grew into a strong faith community, concerned with the nurture and discipline of each other. Basic to their beliefs was a conviction that if one was a faithful follower of Christ's, one's behavior would clearly distinguish one from the larger world. These people saw themselves as separated unto God because of their values of love, forgiveness and peace. Because they were misunderstood and because they appeared to be a threat to the established church and government, the people were often persecuted and many became refugees. In 1693, a magnetic young Mennonite leader believed that the church was losing some of its purity and that it was beginning to compromise with the world. And so he and a group who agreed with him left the Mennonites and formed a separate fellowship. They were called Amish, after their leader, Jacob Amman. Today the Amish identify themselves as the most conservative group of Mennonites. The movement which Amman began reached into Switzerland, Alsace and the Palatinate area of Germany. As early as 1727, Amish families began to resettle in North America where they found farmland, space to live as neighbors to each other, and a climate that nurtured their growth as a church family with a distinctive lifestyle. The tiny communities struggled to survive in the early years. As was true for other pioneers, the Amish invested most of their time and energy in clearing the land, establishing their homesteads and getting along with the Native Americans. Most of those who arrived from the 1720s through the mid-1760s settled in eastern Pennsylvania, yet they did not live in sequestered communities. Frequently they had neighbors who were not Amish. With that came the opportunity for interchange with folks from the larger world. Nor was the Amish church as defined in terms of distinctive practices nor as organized under recognized leaders as it became following the American Revolution. That event crystallized many of the convictions these people held and united them in their refusal to join the War, since they were (and remain today) conscientious objectors. The Amish intend to give their primary attention and energy to being faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They believe they can do that best as members of a community who together share that desire. Consequently, they have tried to withstand acculturation into the "worldly" society surrounding them. They have remained close to the land, preferring to farm if at all possible. They believe hard work is honorable, that church and family provide one's primary identity. Their ideal in life is not to pursue careers that lead to prosperity and prestige, but to become responsible and contributing members to their faith community. The Amish have changed throughout their nearly 300 years of history. Their intent, however, is to be deliberate about change, to manage it carefully so that it does not erode their convictions. The Amish continue to grow. Today they live in 20 states and one Canadian province, totaling about 100,000 adults and children. There are twice as many Amish persons today as there were only 20 years ago. They are a living and dynamic people. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Exported from MasterCook * WHAT IS THE AMISH FOOD TRADITION IN THE NEW WORLD? Recipe By : The Best of Amish Cooking -- Phyllis Pellman Good Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- ***** NONE ***** Because they are highly disciplined, the Amish are often perceived as being grim, austere folks who live as ascetics. They do live ordered lives and, in general, are restrained in their outward expression. But in two particular areas they have exercised color -- in their quilts and in their food! In both areas they distinguished themselves only after becoming established in North America. By the mid-1850s and during the next several decades a food tradition evolved that included an amalgam of dishes from a variety of sources: they brought their own cultural taste preferences from Switzerland and Germany; that affected what they copied and adapted from the diets of their English and Native American neighbors; the geography and climate in the area of the New World where they made their homes also shaped their eating. In those ways, however, they were little different from the other German folk who settled in William Penn's colony. How, then, did the Amish develop and retain a food tradition that is identifiable? With their sustained rural base, the Amish have continued a productive relationship with their gardens and fields. With their large extended families they have not only been able to convey the love of certain dishes to their children, but they have also been able to show their daughters how to make those specialties, many of which are learned best by "feel" than by reading a cookbook. In addition, their active community life supports the continuation of a food tradition -- at gathered times, favorite dishes appear, undergirding the event, whether it be a school picnic, a funeral, or sisters' day. Several principles prevail among these people with as much strength now as they did when the first Amish built their homestead in Pennsylvania: to waste is to destroy God's gift. To be slack, work-wise, is to be disrespectful of time and resources. To go hungry is to ignore the bounty of the earth (furthermore, there is no reason that eating should not be a pleasure!). Many myths exist about these people and their food. Separated as the Amish are from the larger world in their dress and transportation choices, they are not immune to the many food options in the grocery stores of their communities. They shop, and so they pick up packaged cereal, boxes of fruit-flavored gelatin and cans of concentrated soup. Although tuna noodle casserole and chili con carne turn up on the tables of Amish homes, and chocolate chip cookies and lunch meats are packed into the lunch boxes of Amish school children, cornmeal mush and chicken pot pie are still favorites. Because the Amish are a living group, despite their regard for tradition, their menus continue to change. Their foods are influenced by their neighbors and the recipes they find on boxes containing packaged foods or in the pages of farm magazines and local newspapers. The Amish are hard workers whose efforts on the land have been rewarded with fruitful fields and gardens. And so they have eaten well. In fact, their land has been so productive that Amish cooks have undertaken massive "pickling" operations, preserving the excess from their gardens in sweet and sour syrups. Desserts are eaten daily in most Amish homes. But multiple desserts at one meal are generally eaten only when there is company. Thus the story of manifold pastries available at every meal has only a shade of truth in it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Exported from MasterCook * Yum-a-Setta Recipe By : Amish Cookbook Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 pounds hamburger salt and pepper -- to taste brown sugar -- as desired 1/4 cup onion -- chopped 1 can tomato soup -- undiluted 1 can cream of chicken soup -- undiluted 16 ounces noodles -- cooked and drained 8 ounces processed cheese -- sliced Brown hamburger with salt, pepper, onion and brown sugar. Add tomato soup. Add cream of chicken soup to cooked noodles. Layer hamburger mixture and noodle mixture in casserole dish with processed cheese between layers. Bake at 350F for about 30 minutes; serve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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